In this episode we’re joined by Hannah Levin, Host of The Home Stretch and Director of Content here at KXCI. Hannah gives a brief lesson on the history of commercial and community radio, and explains what all goes into broadcasting at KXCI 365 days a year. Of course, that leads to conversation about the essential role of volunteers and partners. To illustrate the power of KXCI’s mission of connecting local, national and global communities, Hannah shares a story about interviewing Michael Franti & Spearhead on the day of Anthony Bourdain’s passing, a moment that offered comfort to many in the service industry and beyond. (Footnote: Read Angela Orlando’s raw interviews for Tucson Foodie; “The Dark Side of Food and Beverage: Battling Mental and Behavioral Health Problems.”) Also along the lines of connecting local and global communities, Hannah gives a musical history lesson explaining the “cultural portal” between Nantes, France and Tucson. Hannah also talks about the values behind live, in-studio guest sessions and her process for producing The Home Stretch. Listen till the very end and you’ll hear Hannah speak a little about the personal journey that begins with feminist roots and reproductive rights in Seattle and brings us all the way to this moment in Tucson (you’ll have to listen if you want to know what transpires in between!) And somehow, we end up talking about affordable housing, gentrification and the future of Tucson AGAIN.
Listen to the full-length podcast by clicking above. To listen to the Mini Program, click below! this episode we hear from PSYPIRITUAL, a rapper, musician, producer and integral part of the Tucson underground hip hop scene. He describes the...
Victoria Westover, Hanson Film Institute Director Carlos (Xabiani Ponce de Léon) and Gera (José Antonio Toledano) in Esto no es Berlín/This Is Not Berlin...
In this episode, we hear from Douglas Miles, multidisciplinary artist and founder of Apache Skateboards. As a Project Creosote Grantee, Douglas shares how the...